Geography Chapters

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

Traffic and bad weather prevent Pan Am 1736 from leaving the Tenerife airport.

Knights had to worry about enemies of the King, fighting in battle, and jousting.

After WWII, Korea is divides into North (Russian control) and South (US control). The Russians refuse to reunify, while the South forms a new democrat...

See photographs of and articles about soldiers, civilians, destruction and death during the Korean conflict.

Abbe Pourcher provides information on The Beast, describing what might be a wolf, Nandi Bear, Wendigo or Chupacabras; the King sends a hunter to kill ...

Tsunami warning systems are in place in the Pacific Ocean, but not in the Indian Ocean when the December 26, 2004 tragedy takes place.

There are ultimately 38 American pilots in the Lafayette Flying Corps who fly for France in WWI.

The Russians win Berlin, and the last days of Hitler follow.

The Underground Railroad poses incredible risks and uses railroad terms to keep the passages secret.

Desmond decides to sue the government to get his children back.

In retaliation for Camp Holloway, LBJ decides to bomb North Vietnam for the first time.

Wishing to educate his teen-aged son with the best teacher in the world, King Philip of Macedonia summons Aristotle, Greece's greatest mind. Aristotle...

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