Geography Chapters

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

There is no solid proof that the duel between Konings and Zaitsev occurs, but it is fact that the Russian snipers help win the war.

The Ayatollah moves to France and begins to air his views in order to make his country into an Islamic Republic.

Stonewall Jackson is accidentally shot by his own troops and has his left arm amputated at the Battle of Chancellorsville.

This chapter describes Jacobo Timerman's arrest and imprisonment

Authorized by officials in Washington, James Donovan - the lawyer who saved Rudolf Abel's life - is sent to Berlin. His mission is to negotiated a spy...

The Japanese defend Iwo Jima with land mines, hidden bunkers and thousands of soldiers concealed on Mount Suribachi; they are difficult to locate and ...

Some don't want Jefferson to expand because the cost is too high, but he makes a good deal and gets the chance to explore the new land.

The Koran refers to some Judaic and Christian beliefs, but shows Muhammad, not Jesus, as the final savior sent by God.

Barrie, born in Scotland, is six when his brother dies; he attends Edinburgh University and takes a job as a journalist although his passion is novel ...

Joan and her army continue to fight even though the King wants peace. Joan loses some battles, is captured and sold to the English.

Joan leads the French to victory at Orleans, even though she is wounded in battle.

Find out what happens to war horses during and after WWI - and - learn how the bond between a boy and his horse could not be broken.

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