Geography Chapters

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

General James M. Gavin foresees using armed helicopters to bring US troops (sky troopers) in by air.

Henry Mucci and his special forces surprise the Japanese and rescue prisoners from Cabanatuan.

Heorot is the Danish King Hrothgar's mead-hall, which Beowulf defends against the monster Grendel.

Dickie goes to jail for carjacking, kidnapping, and armed robbery; he emerges a changed man.

After WWII, Greece fights a civil war - civilians against the army - and then, in 1953, there is a terrible earthquake.

Hitler will not allow his commander Paulus to surrender, preferring that he commit suicide.

Hitler's "final solution" is to erase the Jewish race in Europe by gassing them in concentration camps.

The Vietnamese communist leader Ho Chi Minh rallies the Vietnamese people and beats the French.

Combatants on all sides rely on horses; learn about the role that horses fill during WWI.

Hosenfeld, who keeps a diary of the acts committed by Hitler and the Nazis, dies in the war camps even though Szpilman tries to help him.

Despite half a million dead and injured and a 1953 Armistice, Korea remains divided.

Once he gives up the throne, Nicholas and his family live a life in exile very different from their royal upbringing.

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