Geography Chapters

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

Ashamed of his past crimes, Abagnale is now a motivational speaker and family man.

The Union loses the battle for Fredericksburg; however, a Confederate soldier brings water to the injured enemy.

Books represent new or controversial ideas and allow people to preserve and share their thoughts.

The Homestead Act allows anyone who has not fought against the U.S., and is head of a family, to get 160-acres.

Upset when France gives up so quickly,Charles de Gaulleforms a resistance movement known as "Free French."

Whole villages of once healthy peasants starve while living in holes dug in a bog.

Extreme cold can also mummify a human body. One woman in the northern hemisphere is so well preserved that lice can be observed on her head.

While Key and Beanes are on the British ship, flag maker Mary Young Pickersgill's flag flies over Baltimore's harbor.

The director Murnau bases his character Nosferatu on Stoker's Dracula.

Americans have to ration gasoline, because the military needs it.

Alexander wants a fair fight with Darius, but before he can kill him, Darius' own army assassinates Darius.

Paulus surrenders, which leads to Hitler's defeat and suicide.

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