Geography Chapters

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

NASA has announced that its rover, "Opportunity," is no-longer functioning on Mars.

A chain of events weakens Deepwater Horizon's blowout preventer.

Larsson's Expo magazine focuses on publicly exposing unfair conditions in Sweden.

Evidence of the horrendous events and deaths that occur in labor camps comes from those who spent time in GULAGs.

The final collapse of the blowout preventer leads to huge explosions on the Deepwater Horizon.

Penobscot Expedition is the worst naval disaster in American history, until Pearl Harbor.

"Conductors" are people who lead the slaves to safety; some include runaway slaves such as Harriet Tubman.

TheHimalayan Mountains claim nine of the world's ten highest peaks, including the highest Mount Everest.

During the middle ages, when feudalism was prevalent in Europe, a commoner remained a commoner throughout his or her life.

Chapter 4

The King family travels through the Hawaiian Islands to find Brian Speer, to tell him that Elizabeth will soon be taken off life support.

A large number of firemen - 343 to be exact - die on September 11, trying to save people from burning buildings following a terrorist attack.

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