Geography Chapters

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

Even though the Irish Constitution states that families have rights, it does not change.

The real Dracula dies at the hands of his own army after an intense fight, but the legend lives on.

Before the American Colonies had a federal system of government, people disagreed about many things. One thing most members of Congress agreed about, ...

New discoveries of known and unknown dinosaurs continue to provide new information about Earth's past.

Thomas Jefferson begins practicing law at age 24.

As he develops an early interest in art, Van Gogh desires to help others as a teacher, pastor, and bookseller.

Vincent thrives in the warmth of Arles, and his work reflects this, although it still does not sell.

Roger Boisjoly, a Morton Thiokol engineer, and others at NASA knew of a potential problem with Challenger's January 1986 launch.

Earthquakes typically occur along a fault line and Port Royal is located on top of one.

Tectonic plates come together to create "faults," or cracks in the earth's crust, where earthquakes can occur.

In the 1600s, the East India Company becomes one of the most powerful businesses in the world.

Ed Viesturs is an expert climber who reaches the summit of all the world's 14 mountains higher than 8,000 feet.

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