Famous Historical Topics & Events Chapters

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

Albert Einstein is the first to understand that matter can become energy and theorizes the equation (E=mc2).

Splitting atoms, called nuclear fission, creates energy (in the form of heat) called nuclear energy.

Power generated inside the nuclear reactor is what creates steam to power a nuclear submarine.

North Korea has nuclear weapons with the range to reach Alaska.

Despite advice of scouts, Bean and DePodesta use James's system to pick the 2002 Oakland A's team members.

It is a complex process to drill oil from the Gulf of Mexico; equipment must be able to descend at least 18,000 feet.

Ancient plants and animals form the basis of oil, which stays beneath the ground in sponge-like rock formations.

Geologists use sound waves to locate oil beneath the surface of ground and water.

Howard Hughes' father, along with many others, was a fortune-seeker lured by Texas oil.

Expertsbelievethe Olmec civilization is thefirst societyin Mesoamerica and that they have awritten formof language.

Beginning in 776 BC and lasting 1,000 years, Greeks gather in Olympia, sacred home of Zeus, to compete in athletics.

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