Famous Historical Topics & Events Chapters

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

The Islamic faith that spreads rapidly after Muhammad shows that Islam is a way of life, not merely a religion.

Mussolini tries to escape from Italy, but is caught, executed and his body put on display.

Defeated in battle, Napoleon resigns, but he flees exile and comes back to continue the fight.

French power increases as Napoleon's armies conquer much of Europe, then decreases after France's disastrous 1812 invasion of Russia.

South Carolina used their natural resources to trade with other nations to become wealthy Indicator 8-1.5

The US government forces Navajos from their ancestral lands and makes them walk to eastern New Mexico.

The US tells Japanese diplomats they will continue an oil embargo, and they want Japan to recognize the Chinese leader, Chiang Kai-shek.

As a student at the College of Fort Hare, Nelson Mandela begins to experience racial bias.

New discoveries of known and unknown dinosaurs continue to provide new information about Earth's past.

Brownwood High School in Texas does not have a baseball program, so Jim Morris plays football.

8-3.2 The role of SC in the Constitutional Convention including the Three-Fifths Compromise and Commerce Compromise

How does the public learn about the Titanic tragedy? How careful are the news reporters?

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