Famous Historical Topics & Events Chapters

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

Francis Marion and his troop of 150 men do their best to remain elusive while chasing the British out of South Carolina.

Mary is convicted in a trial without access to lawyer or notes, then Elizabeth signs a death warrant.

When the Dyers return to Boston, anti-Quaker sentiment is strong.

With little warning, Mary prepares for her execution with dignity.

Without a lawyer, Mary appears guilty of plotting against Elizabeth by not saying anything about the plan to "dispatch" Elizabeth.

Read a poem about the life of Mary Karen Read, a 19 year-old freshman in Interdisciplinary Studies.

Twenty-five-year-old Mary Kelly is Jack the Ripper's final victim.

Mary continues to protest and is hanged, but her death leads to reforms in the religious laws.

Through one of her sons, Mary meets the actor John Wilkes Booth at her boardinghouse In Washington.

Millions of Irish leave the country, hoping to find a better life elsewhere.

Wilberforce works to end the slave trade after trying to improve conditions for Britain's working poor.

Read a poem about the life of Matthew Gwaltney, a 24 year-old second year Masters student in Environmental Engineering.

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