Famous Historical Topics & Events Chapters

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

Three generations of Kims retain firm control both politically and personally in North Korea using a philosophy called chuch'e (juche).

Through the massacre of the Muslims, the Latin/Frankish Kingdom of Jerusalem is born.

In an unjust trial, the revolting peasants are found guilty and put to death.

The Wright brothers win the race to develop the first heavier-than-air powered flying machine.

Traffic and bad weather prevent Pan Am 1736 from leaving the Tenerife airport.

Four days after leaving Nantucket, the Essex was overwhelmed by a terrible squall which damaged the ship during a knockdown.

After WWII, Korea is divides into North (Russian control) and South (US control). The Russians refuse to reunify, while the South forms a new democrat...

See photographs of and articles about soldiers, civilians, destruction and death during the Korean conflict.

General Kuribayashi, believing that he will die on Iwo Jima, writes farewell letters to his wife; he allegedly commits suicide rather than surrenderin...

Abbe Pourcher provides information on The Beast, describing what might be a wolf, Nandi Bear, Wendigo or Chupacabras; the King sends a hunter to kill ...

Tsunami warning systems are in place in the Pacific Ocean, but not in the Indian Ocean when the December 26, 2004 tragedy takes place.

There are ultimately 38 American pilots in the Lafayette Flying Corps who fly for France in WWI.

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