Famous Historical Topics & Events Chapters

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

Lt. Col. Jimmy Doolittle believes that land-based planes, B-25 Mitchells, can reach Japan and drop bombs from navy ships not accustomed to carrying an...

Five hundred years later, the Catholic Church canonizes Joan as a Saint. Joan's life demonstrates the effect one person can have on history.

Joan goes to the Dauphin of France and convinces him to let her lead the army. Joan prays before going into battle, convinced she will have the victor...

Joan and her army continue to fight even though the King wants peace. Joan loses some battles, is captured and sold to the English.

Joan's jailors steal her clothes, forcing her to wear men's clothing. As soon as she puts them on, she is deemed to be a relapsed heretic and sentence...

Joan leads the French to victory at Orleans, even though she is wounded in battle.

On the 28th of July, 1914 WWI begins when Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia and the war-alliance dominoes begin to fall. Joey, and others like hi...

Irish gangsters John and Connor Looney are two main characters in the Road to Perdition but their last name is changed to Rooney.

John Glenn orbits the earth, but almost becomes lost in space.

Burns follows Wycliffe; both his body and his books are burned.

The WTC collapse traps Port Authority Police officers John McLoughlin and Will Jimeno.

Booth changes his plans and kills the president at Fords Theater.

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