Famous Historical Topics & Events Chapters

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

HMSResolute, a British Navy ship, becomes trapped in the Arctic ice. The crew abandons the ship but a whaler later finds it.

People save possessions by burying them in the sand before they flee the October 1871 fires in Holland, Michigan.

Combatants on all sides rely on horses; learn about the role that horses fill during WWI.

Despite half a million dead and injured and a 1953 Armistice, Korea remains divided.

Once he gives up the throne, Nicholas and his family live a life in exile very different from their royal upbringing.

Because of his love of flying, Howard starts an aircraft company and advances aviation.

Chapter 4 of How the Game of Monopoly Saved Over 10,000 Soldiers

The Wright brothers discover how to test lift and drag and how to use a propeller in the air.

The plague lays waste to Asia and Europe; writings from the time suggest only one in ten people survive.

Slaves are sold as property as though they are animals; many are beaten and families are split up.

Carl Brashear is born in 1931 to sharecropping parents, who live in Kentucky during the time of restrictive "Jim Crow Laws."

North Vietnamese (PAVN) General Phuong describes battle preparations for Ia Drang, where they began a five-phase attack against the South (ARVN).

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