Famous Historical Topics & Events Chapters

What are some of history's key stories and events which remain famous to this day? Check-out some of those topics.

Many Japanese soldiers and civilians on Saipan kill themselves so Marines do not capture them.

Dyer protests the harsh anti-Quaker laws and is caught, tried, and threatened with hanging.

My story is about the Hawaiian Overthrow in Hawaii and how the throne was taken away from Queen Liliuokalani (the first and last queen of Hawaii). It ...

The 2-week back-and-forth battle and amount of death and destruction at Heartbreak Ridge forces the UN and North Korea back to the bargaining table.

Paris falls in love with Helen and abducts her. Sparta's King Menelaus is already Helen's husband, and talks the Greeks into going to war with Troy to...

General James M. Gavin foresees using armed helicopters to bring US troops (sky troopers) in by air.

Henry Mucci and his special forces surprise the Japanese and rescue prisoners from Cabanatuan.

With help from his top advisers, who pave the way for a change in Britain, Henry VIII gets his divorce and marriage annulment, from Catherine of Arago...

Although he and Catherine of Aragon have a daughter, Princess Mary, Henry VIII wants a living son. This leads to problems with his marriage.

Susan believed in Ada and thought she was smart.

Postal workers on the Titanic try to save letters and packages.

Chapter 3 of How the Game of Monopoly Saved Over 10,000 Soldiers

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