Dystopia or Science Fiction

The opposite of utopia, stories of dystopia are characterized by tragic human consequences of current day practices including climate instability, squalor, oppression, disease, and overcrowding. Compare utopia.

Dystopia or Science Fiction Chapters

Dr. Henry Jekyll has written a full account of his experiments, which caused him to turn into Edward Hyde, but no one reads his statement until after ...

Now that Henry Jekyll has disappeared, or died, Gabriel Utterson is cleared to read a letter which Dr. Lanyon has given him. He is stunned at its cont...

After the death of Dr. Lanyon, Gabriel Utterson visits the home of Dr. Henry Jekyll. He is stunned by the events which transpire there.

With Edward Hyde on the run, Henry Jekyll's life returns to normal, until ... Edward Hyde shows-up at Dr. Lanyon's home.

With no reason to suspect that Henry Jekyll and Edward Hyde are the same person, Gabriel Utterson receives a letter written by Edward Hyde. The lawyer...

Dystopia or Science Fiction Learning Tasks

Hope or Fear Essay



Compare and Contrast Stories with Similar Themes

Tracing and Evaluating an Author's Claims

Dystopia or Science Fiction Audios

Lehua, a young noble Hawaiian comes of age, the preface.

Dystopia or Science Fiction Audio Narrations

Click here to read along.

Odysseus, also called Ulysses, is a Greek hero who is on his way home after fighting in the Trojan War. Listen to a story about one of the many issues...

Audio narration and dramatization of "Dr. Jekyll's Full Statement," a chapter in the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Audio narration and dramatization of "The Last Night," a chapter from the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Audio narration and dramatization of "Incident of the Letter," a chapter in the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

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