Civil Rights Story Briefs

Are people born free? Do governments give rights to citizens or do citizens give-up some rights in exchange for good government? These are stories about people seeking and achieving their civil rights.

Gandhi referred to South Africa as his second home, and it was there that the young lawyer decided to non-violently oppose a racially motivated law.

Protesting what he considered an unfair constitutional separation of India's castes, Gandhi begins a to-the-death hunger strike on September 16, 1932.

Gandhi once told an associate (V.

Were crematoria, at Nazi camps, used to dispose of bodies of people who were gassed at these camps? The issue is still debated, particularly by indivi...

Worried that people would begin to doubt that Nazi atrocities had ever occurred, General Eisenhower ordered film makers and photographers to document ...

Nine days after the September 11 attacks, President George W. Bush addresses a joint session of the 107th Congress. He pledges to defend America's fre...

In July of 1940, Hitler's goal was to intimidate Britain. Britain's goal was to resist Hitler and to eliminate Germany's bombers which were flying ov...

Paving the way for other activists to integrate Woolworth lunch counters, four African-Americans sat in "whites-only" seats at the Greensboro, North C...

During the Nazi occupation of Norway, German officials sent political prisoners and deportees to the Grini Prison and Concentration Camp (located near...

"Gulag" tells the story of Soviet forced-labor camps, and their prisoners, during the Stalinist age.

Around September of 1452, using his invention that changed the world, Gutenberg first released a publication from his movable-type printing press.

Johannes Gutenberg invented one of "the machines that made us."

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