Civil Rights Story Briefs

Are people born free? Do governments give rights to citizens or do citizens give-up some rights in exchange for good government? These are stories about people seeking and achieving their civil rights.

After the war, POWs who had been incarcerated in Japanese camps all told the same story about Mutsuhiro (Matsuhiro) Watanabe - whom prisoners called "...

In occupied Holland, Dutch churches issued a collective protest against the treatment of the country's Jews.

When Nikolai Getman was 28 years old, he boarded a ship at Vanino.

At the age of 28, Nikolai Getman boards a ship at Vanino as he heads to the forced labor camps at Kolyma.

It was during the Nuremberg Trials when the world first realized the shocking extent of atrocities committed at concentration camps, in Europe, during...

On the1st of October, 1946, eleven high-ranking Nazis wereconvicted of war crimesand were sentenced to hang later that month. Scholars still debate w...

Nelson Mandela met his friend and future law partner at the University College of Fort Hare.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn's novel about life as a prisoner in a Stalinist forced-labor camp, in Siberia's GULAG, is based onhis own experience.

Between October 22 and November 29, 1951, the United States government conducted nuclear-weapon tests at the Nevada Proving Ground (later called the N...

"A New India" was born in August of 1947 split into two along religious lines.

This photograph captures an early moment in the Liberation of Paris.

On March 23, 1775, Patrick Henry gave a rousing speech. Dig a little deeper into his ''Liberty or Death'' to learn whether all those famous words were...

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