Civil Rights Story Briefs

Are people born free? Do governments give rights to citizens or do citizens give-up some rights in exchange for good government? These are stories about people seeking and achieving their civil rights.

James Meredith wants to become the first African-American to enroll at Ole Miss, but segregationists have other ideas. Thus begins a battle between ci...

Jan Hus opposed the church's sale of indulgences as a way to buy forgiveness of sins. He opposed the pope and the pope took his life.

Before the Pearl Harbor bombing, Japanese-Americans lived and worked on Terminal Island. After the bombing, their homes were destroyed and their way o...

After American and Filipino forces on the island of Bataan surrendered, Japanese-controlled media published the news.


Survivors of Auschwitz have reported that upon arriving at the infamous camp in Poland, Nazi officers greeted arrival trains. Those officers apparentl...

Jimmie Lee Jackson, an African-American who had served his country in Vietnam, was killed by an Alabama State Trooper who confessed to the killing dec...

Responding to a call from Dr. King, three white Unitarian Universalist pastors travel to Selma, Montgomery. On the 9th of March, 1965, they are brutal...

Refusing to recant his beliefs, which were contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church, Jan Hus (John Huss) was burned at the stake outside the c...

Once a slave trader, John Newton undergoes religious conversion and eventually writes the hymn "Amazing Grace."

John Robinson was the much-loved pastor of the Pilgrims while they were living in Leiden, The Netherlands. He suggested that they go to America to liv...

Justice Joseph Story was one of America's most-famous jurists during his lifetime. He authored the decision freeing the Amistad captives.

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