African American History Documents

Descendants of African-Americans who began their lives in America as kidnapped slaves were then deprived of civil rights by "Jim Crow" laws. Leaders inspired others to overcome racial prejudice and legal obstacles. These stories highlight the ups and downs of black history.

This image is of a Jim Crow Song Book which was published in Ithaca, New York, in 1839. It provides an early depiction of a minstrel-show character, ...

During the 1930s, the federal government hired writers to obtain the oral histories of former slaves.  John Fields was one of those interviewees....

When he represented the Amistad captives in the U.S. Supreme Court, John Quincy Adams personally handwrote his briefs.  This image depicts one of...

This text image depicts a page from Jupiter Hammon's famous speech to the African Society of New York City which he gave on the 24th of Sept...

This text image depicts a page from Jupiter Hammon's famous speech to the African Society of New York City which he gave on the 24th of Sept...

This text image depicts a page from Jupiter Hammon's famous speech to the African Society of New York City which he gave on the 24th of Sept...

This text image depicts a page from Jupiter Hammon's famous speech to the African Society of New York City which he gave on the 24th of Sept...

Image of Justice Frankfurter's notes regarding the Brown v. Board of Education II case.  Notice the words he used:  ...with all deliberat...

At the time of his marriage to Helen Pitts, newspapers reported that Frederick Douglass and his children disagreed about the propriety of that marriag...

Frederick Douglass, a former slave, honored the memory of John Brown (an abolitionist) with a lecture about him.  This image depicts a page from ...

What was it like for a fugitive slave who was trying to be free? We hear from one individual who lived in the hollow of a poplar tree for seven months...

Lt. Jack Robinson was court-martialed on two charges during August of 1944.  After he was found "not guilty," on both, he asked to be relieved of...

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