
Unpredictability in Science and Politics

Was Albert Einstein so brilliant that he could dismiss the unpredictability of quantum mechanics - or - was he simply wrong that everything (including outcomes in quantum mechanics) can be predicted? 

The great genius set out to develop a theory that would explain all of science. It was, in a way, his "theory of everything."

On January 30, 1929 Einstein issued a six-page article which initially took the world by storm.  After its release, however, Einstein began to backtrack from his own work. 

Perhaps, due to printed rumors about an impending new theory, he felt pressure to publish before he was ready.  Einstein himself ultimately admitted his paper had taken a wrong turn.

In 1932, he left Germany for good as Hitler and the Nazis ascended to power.  As a famous Jew, his works were among those burned in the streets. 

In 1933, Einstein arrived in America where he began working at Princeton’s Institute for Advanced Studies.

About six years later, worried that Hitler and his Third Reich might be developing a weapon of mass destruction based on atomic energy, Einstein would write a now-famous letter to President Franklin Roosevelt.

That letter ultimately led to the formation of the "Manhattan Project" (and the creation of the world's first nuclear bomb).

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Author: Carole D. Bos, J.D. 5199stories and lessons created

Original Release: Oct 07, 2013

Updated Last Revision: Feb 27, 2025

Media Credits

From Einstein’s Unfinished Symphony, BBC Horizon, starring David Graham as Einstein and Annette Badland as his nurse - part five.  Online, courtesy BBC's WorldWide Channel at YouTube.


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"Unpredictability in Science and Politics" AwesomeStories.com. Oct 07, 2013. Feb 26, 2025.
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