
Trial of Jesus - Possible Prison, Antonia Fortress

Trial of Jesus - Possible Prison, Antonia Fortress World History Ancient Places and/or Civilizations Trials

Scholars believe that Jesus was tried before Pilate on either the east side of Jerusalem (at the Antonia Fortress) or the west side of the city (at Herod's Palace and Fortress).  When Titus destroyed Jerusalem, in 70 A.D., he spared Herod's Palace but not the Antonia Fortress.

This photograph depicts a surviving underground room, near the Antonia Fortress, which is known today as "the Prison of Christ."  No one can be sure whether that is an accurate description.

Media Credits

Image online, courtesy the Vatican web site ChristusRex.org.


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"Trial of Jesus - Possible Prison, Antonia Fortress" AwesomeStories.com. Oct 07, 2013. Feb 26, 2025.
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