
Trial of Jesus - El Greco Painting "The Disrobing of Christ"

Trial of Jesus - Soldiers Stripped His Clothes Visual Arts Ancient Places and/or Civilizations Philosophy Trials

El Greco ("The Greek," who used his birth name, Doménikos Theotokópoulos, to sign his paintings) created this work for the Primate Cathedral of Saint Mary in Toledo, Spain. He worked on the painting for nearly two years.

The oil-on-canvas, which is entitled "The Disrobing of Christ" (El Espolio), depicts Jesus soon before his crucifixion. The Web Gallery of Art provides more detail about the painting:

Commenced in the summer of 1577, and completed in the spring of 1579, for the High Altar of the Sacristy of the Cathedral, where it still hangs. A document of 2nd July 1577 referring to this painting is the earliest record of El Greco in Spain.

El Greco has produced one of the most dignified and moving portrayals of Christ in art. The powerful effect of the painting especially depends upon his original and forceful use of colour. Something of the effect of the grand images of the Saviour in Byzantine art is recalled.

The motif of the crowding round Christ suggests an acquaintance with the works of the Northern artist, Bosch; the figure preparing the Cross could be derived from the similar figure bending forward in Raphael's tapestry cartoon of the Miraculous Draught of Fishes. This is, however, the last time that there are any hints of specific borrowings.

The painting shows Christ clad in a bright red robe and looking up to Heaven with an expression of serenity as he is being tormented by his captors. A figure in the background bearing a red hat points at Christ accusingly, while two others argue over his garments. A man in green to Christ's left holds him firmly with a rope and is about to rip off his robe in preparation for his crucifixion. At the lower right, a man in yellow bends over the cross and drills a hole to facilitate the insertion of a nail to be driven through Christ's feet.

The clouds above Christ, painted in strong diagonals, provide a 'path' of uplifting communication between Christ and God the Father. On the left side of the composition, the three Marys contemplate the event with distress. Above them a soldier wearing a suit of armour reminiscent of those fabricated in sixteenth-century Toledo stares out directly at the viewer. El Greco may have intended this figure to be a contemporary portrait.

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Author: Carole D. Bos, J.D. 5199stories and lessons created

Original Release: Oct 07, 2013

Updated Last Revision: Feb 27, 2025

Media Credits

Image, described above, online courtesy Web Gallery of Art.




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"Trial of Jesus - El Greco Painting "The Disrobing of Christ"" AwesomeStories.com. Oct 07, 2013. Feb 26, 2025.
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