
Trial of Jesus - Caiaphas Rips His Robe

Trial of Jesus - Caiaphas Rips His Robe Disasters Philosophy Trials Visual Arts

During Biblical times, Jewish people ripped their clothes when they heard blasphemous (that is, religiously irreverant) words.  In this scene, painted by Giotto (between 1304-06), the high priest Caiaphas rips his clothes when he hears Jesus acknowledge that He is the son of God.

Giotto painted this fresco - Christ before Caiaphas - at the Arena Chapel (Cappella Scrovegni) in Padua, Italy.  It is part of his Scenes from the Life of Christ.

Click on the image for a closer view.

Media Credits

Image online, courtesy Web Gallery of Art.


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"Trial of Jesus - Caiaphas Rips His Robe" AwesomeStories.com. Oct 07, 2013. Feb 26, 2025.
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