
Trial of Jesus - Barabbas is Set Free

Barabbas, a convicted murderer, was freed by Pilate and was no longer under a death sentence after Jesus took his place.  A 1962 film about Barabbas, starring Anthony Quinn in the title role, takes a look at what might have happened to Barabbas thereafter.

During production, there was an actual solar eclipse which the director incorporated into the film.

Media Credits

Clip from Barabbas, a 1962 film.

Directed by:  Richard Fleischer

Writen by:     Pär Lagerkvist (novel)
                        Christopher Fry (screenplay)

Released:     October 10, 1962 (in the U.S.)


Anthony Quinn
-   Barabbas
Arthur Kennedy - Pontius Pilate
Jack Palance -    Torvald

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"Trial of Jesus - Barabbas is Set Free" AwesomeStories.com. Oct 07, 2013. Feb 26, 2025.
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