
Soap and Water Can Destroy the Virus Causing COVID-19

What is the process by which novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (which causes the disease COVID-19) can effectively be destroyed with soap and water?

  • The virus has a membrane of oily lipid molecules, studded with proteins which help the virus to infect a person’s cells.
  • Soap molecules can resist the virus’ ability to infect an individual’s cells because the structure of soap features one end that bonds with water and another end which resists water.
  • Soap can destroy the COVID-19-causing virus when the water-shunning tails of soap’s molecules edge themselves into the virus’ lipid membrane, where it can then pry the virus apart.
  • Soap traps the fragments of the destroyed virus in tiny bubbles called micelles, which wash away in water.

Once the virus is washed away, it is no-longer harmful to the person's body.

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Media Credits

Image online via CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).

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"Soap and Water Can Destroy the Virus Causing COVID-19" AwesomeStories.com. Mar 16, 2020. Feb 26, 2025.
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