
Models of Love

Models of Love (Illustration) Poetry


When I had no concept of sacrifice
I learned from two people
Who gave up much for their children
My father
My mother

When I had no idea about commitment
I observed two people
Who are dedicated to each other
And to their children
My father
My mother

When I had no understanding about honor
I heard the words of two people
Whose hearts are pure
My father
My mother

When I wasn't sure that truth is always best
I watched two people
Whose integrity is beyond question
My father
My mother

When I had no worries about financial security
I saw two people
Take extra jobs to provide for their family
My father
My mother

When I could not have cared less
About the meaning of life
Two people showed me the way
My father
My mother

When I first comprehended love
I recognized it because two people
Were loving to each other
And to their children
My father
My mother

When I muse on
Loving life models
I need look no further than two people
My father
My mother


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Author: Carole D. Bos, J.D. 5199stories and lessons created

Original Release: Aug 13, 2013

Updated Last Revision: Apr 15, 2015

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"Models of Love" AwesomeStories.com. Aug 13, 2013. Dec 26, 2024.
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