
Media Literacy: Interpret visual information

Standard Basis:

CCSS ELA Literacy RI.5.7


Read two informational articles about the same topic (selected by your teacher). Using King's Reflective questions (1992), create a list of 10 questions and answers to present to the class. What is the main idea of _____ ? How does _____ affect _____ ? What is the meaning of _____ ? What is a new example of _____ ? Explain why _____ ? Explain how _____ ? What conclusions can be drawn from _____ ? What is the difference between _____ and _____ ? How are _____ and _____ similar? How would I use _____ to _____ ? What are the strengths and weaknesses of _____ ? What is the best _____ and why? This idea is important because _____.

Media Credits

Debi Pruitt

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