
Journey to the Execution Site

Journey to the Execution Site Disasters Ancient Places and/or Civilizations Philosophy Trials Visual Arts

Jacopo Tintoretto created this painting, entitled “The Ascent to Calvary.” It depicts Jesus on his way to the place of his execution.

The Web Gallery of Art tells us more about this specific work:

Tintoretto decorated the walls of the Sala dell'Albergo by paintings showing important moments from the Passion of Christ and he finished them in the early months of 1567.

This agitated scene is set along a route rising at an acute angle; the first side, reading from left to right, is in deep shadow against which the chromatic tones of white, red, green, blue, yellow-orange of the robes of the two thieves and their escorts stand out vividly; the second part of the procession is done in full light against the sulphur-coloured sky streaked with pink.

It opens up with the dominating soldier seen against the light in the foreground who is holding the rope tied around Christ's neck and it is closed by the brightly colored group of pious women preceded by the soldier who lets the pale pink standard flutter in the wind.

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Media Credits

Image, described above, online courtesy Web Gallery of Art.




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