
House of Caiaphas - Place of First Trial

House of Caiaphas - Place of First Trial Tragedies and Triumphs Philosophy Trials

Although scholars are not exactly sure where the house of Caiaphas is located, they believe the site is now occupied by the Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu (at the crowing of the cock).  Directly below that church is a former storage room and a dungeon. 

The dungeon is now lit, and has openings.  Previously, its opening was a hole at the top which was just large enough for a guard to lower a prisoner.  Historians think it is possible that Jesus was held there, for a time, during his first trial.

Media Credits

Photo online, courtesy Peter J. Blackburn.


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"House of Caiaphas - Place of First Trial" AwesomeStories.com. Oct 07, 2013. Feb 26, 2025.
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