
Greatest Story - Lazarus, Come Forth!

In this scene from The Greatest Story Ever Told, we see a pivotal part of the story when Jesus commands Lazarus (who died some days before) to leave his tomb. 

Reaction to what happens next is mixed.  Some people believe that Jesus is the Messiah, while others think he is a blasphemer who should be put to death.

Positions - for or against Jesus - harden, considerably, after this event.

In this film version of the story, Max Von Sydow plays the role of Jesus.

Media Credits

Directed by:             George Stevens

Written  by:               Fulton Oursler (book)
                                    James Lee Barrett (screenplay)
                                    George Stevens (screenplay)

Music by:                   Alfred Newman        

Released:                 New York City Premiere, February 15, 1965

Starring:  Max von Sydow (Jesus)
                 Charlton Heston (John the Baptist)
                 David McCallum (Judas)
                 Ina Balin (Martha of Bethany)
                 Janet Margolin (Mary of Bethany)
                 Joanna Dunham (Mary Magdalene)
                 Sidney Poitier (Simon of Cyrene)
                 Gary Raymond (Peter)
                 John Wayne (Roman Centurion)
                 Jamie Farr (Thaddaeus)
                 Telly Savalas (Pontius Pilate)

Cinematography by:    Loyal Griggs and William C. Mellor

Distributed by:              United Artist


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"Greatest Story - Lazarus, Come Forth!" AwesomeStories.com. Oct 07, 2013. Feb 26, 2025.
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