
Flavius Josephus - First-Century Historian

Flavius Josephus - First-Century Historian Visual Arts Ancient Places and/or Civilizations Biographies Philosophy

It is believed that this bust depicts Flavius Josephus, the famous first-century Jewish historian who was born approximately four years after Jesus was condemned to die.  In his autobiography, Josephus tells us:

I was born to Matthias in the first year of the reign of Caius Caesar [more commonly known as Caligula].  I have three sons: Hyrcanus, the eldest, was born in the fourth year of the reign of Vespasian, as was Justus born in the seventh, and Agrippa in the ninth.

Since Caligula ruled Rome between 37–41, in the first century, Josephus was born in 37 A.D.  His histories have been significant primary sources for scholars, historians and general readers ever since they were initially published. 

Media Credits

Image from an 1888 copy of The Jewish War, by Flavius Josephus.  Image online, courtesy Wikimedia Commons.


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"Flavius Josephus - First-Century Historian" AwesomeStories.com. Oct 07, 2013. Feb 26, 2025.
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