
Bethany - al Eizariya - Home of Lazarus

Bethany - al Eizariya - Home of Lazarus Ancient Places and/or Civilizations Biographies Philosophy Trials Visual Arts Geography

Bethany is a small village within walking distance from Jerusalem.  About two miles from the city, it is called al-Eizariya (Arabic for "Place of Lazarus") today. 

The village maintains a passed-over-by-the-ages appearance.  The image above - from a postcard - depicts how it looked in 1900. 

Click on the image for a greatly expanded view.

Media Credits

Bethany, as seen on a postcard from 1900, online courtesy Wikimedia Commons.


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"Bethany - al Eizariya - Home of Lazarus" AwesomeStories.com. Oct 07, 2013. Feb 26, 2025.
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